ReaGIF features
ReaGIF is our popular image converter, allowing you to convert images from most commonly used graphic formats to GIF.
With ReaGIF, you will be able to create GIF images from:
- Standard Windows bitmap images (.bmp, .rle, .dib)
- JPEG images (.jpg, .jpeg)
- TIFF images (.tif, .tiff)
- Photoshop images (.psd, .pdd)
- Portable network graphic images (.png)
- Windows Metafiles (.emf, .wmf)
- Paintshop Pro images (.psp)
- Truevision images (.tga, .vst, .icb, .vda, .win)
- GFI fax images (.fax)
- SGI images (.bw, .rgb, .rgba, .sgi)
- Autodesk images files (.cel, .pic)
- ZSoft Paintbrush images (.pcx, .pcc)
- Kodak Photo-CD images (.pcd)
- Portable pixel/gray map images (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm)
- Dr. Halo images (.cut, .pal)
- SGI Wavefront images (.rla, .rpf)
- Word 5.x screen capture files (.scr)
with batch image editing actions:
- Image editing: Rotate, Mirror, Crop, Resize, Border, Color replace, Gamma correction, Red Eye correction
- Effects: Blur, Saturation, Invert, Antialias, Emboss, Noise, Tile, Sepia, Mosaic, Solarize, Posterize
- Watermark: Text or image watermarks
Additional ReaGIF features:
- Settings for multipage images
- Color transparency settings
- Customizable renaming tool, advanced output settings
- Windows® Explorer right-click menu integration
- Command line interface
ReaGIF screenshots
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact our technical support.

affordable and business-ready solutions
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ReaGIF additional info
Supported formats
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Alan Doubet from Doubet Research, USA:
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