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Log storage format
You can see the fields of the logs the Firewall engine maintains in the table below. If some fields that can be saved to the log file are not selected in the settings, they will not be displayed in the log file.

Field ID Field name Description
1 Server name The name of the computer with ReaSoft Network Firewall. This is the computer name that is assigned in Windows.
2 Log date The date that the logged event occurred, according to the date set on the ReaSoft Network Firewall computer.
3 Log time The time that the logged event occurred, according to the time set on the ReaSoft Network Firewall computer.
4 Protocol type The transport protocol used for the connection.
5 Source IP and Port The IP address and port of the requesting client.
6 Destination IP and Port The network IP address and port for the remote computer that provides service to the current connection.
7 Original Source IP The IP address of the client without port.
8 Source Network The name of the network from which the request originated.
9 Destination Network The name of the network that provides service for the current request.
10 Status This field indicates status of the connection. Established, Intermediate or Closed.
11 Action This field indicates the action taken by the firewall engine. Allow, Deny or Redirect.
12 Rule The rule name that either allowed or denied access to the request.
13 Protocol The name of the application protocol based on the protocol definitions.
14 Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent from the source client to the destination server.
15 Bytes Received The number of bytes sent from the destination computer and received by the client.
16 Source Host Name Host name of client.
17 Destination Host Name Host name of destination server.
18 Client Username The account of the user making the request as defined in ReaSoft Network Firewall.
19 Connection ID This identifies a connection ID.

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