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This is an informational resource designed for use by media professionals (journalists, editors, software reviewers, etc.), and anyone else interested in learning more about what's the latest on ReaSoft products. Here you can read our latest news, view the most recent press-releases, subscribe to our newsletters, and get all the necessary materials for use in media.
ReaSoft logo:
Download high-resolution TIFF file:
 CMYK TIFF image  ( 85Kb )   |    RGB TIFF image  ( 78Kb )
Logo variations:
White logo on a black background:
  • download  ( 77Kb )
  • Black logo on a white background:
  • download  ( 76Kb )
  • White logo on a gray background:
  • download  ( 71Kb )
  • Black logo on a gray background:
  • download  ( 78Kb )
  • ReaSoft Products:
         download  ( 99Kb )
         download  ( 5,36Mb )
         download  ( 1,8Mb )
         download  ( 201Kb )

    1. The logos may only be used in close proximity to, or in obvious connection with, a published article or broadcast news story about ReaSoft Development or a specific ReaSoft product or service.
    2. The logos may not be copied, distributed or used apart from the article or broadcast commentary about the company or the applicable product or service. For example, you may not redistribute the logo in hard copy or electronic form or make it available online for others to copy.
    3. The logos must be used as provided by ReaSoft Development with no changes, including, but not limited to, changes in the color, proportion, or design, or removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbols. The logos may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.
    4. The logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any other object, including, but not limited to, other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features, or symbols.
    If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to contact us.

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